Spring Onion

Botanical Name: Allium fistulosum
Sseasons: JAN – FEB – MAR – APR – NOV – DEC
Spring Onion Details
Packing Carton: 2 KG
Weight: 4 / 8 Piece 100gr
No.Piece : 30-35
No.Carton / Pallet: 100
No.Carton / Container : 2000
Pallet Dimension / M: 1*1.2
No.Pallet / Container: 20
Container Net Weight: 20 Ton
Storing : 2º For 3 Month
Humidity : 65%
Place of Origin: Egypt


Scallions – Green Onion – Spring Onion
Same plant at different ages.planted at the end of the summer so that they can grow over the winter and be harvested in the spring. they harvested with about 40 cm of green leaves and a slightly enlarged bulb.
is the younger variety.with long, straight green stalks, and no bulb-like base white base and green stalk can be eaten , and slightly spicy flavor.
Green Onion
have long, green, delicate stalks with slightly defined slender white bulbs and an onion-like flavor that is still very mild than that of a mature onion,but stronger than scallions.
Spring Onion
contains a bulb that is slightly rounded and more defined and larger than green onions sharpest flavor of the young onions with a little more bite than green onions, green & spring very young onions, harvested before the bulb has had.