Fresh Onion

Botanical Name: ALLIUM CEPA
Available Form: Red – Gold – Pink
Sseasons: FEB – MAR – APR – MAY- JUN – JUL – AUG – SEP – OCT – NOV
Calibration: Red: 40/60cm Gold: 50/70cm Pink: 70/90cm – 90/120cm
Packing Mesh Bag: Red: 2KG Gold: 20KG Pink: 10KG – 25KG – 1250KG JAMBO
No.Bag/PALLET: Red and Gold: 600 Pink: 120 – 48 – 1
No.Bag/Container: Red and Gold:12000 Pink: 2400 – 960 – 20
Pallet Dimensions: Red and Gold: 1*1.2
Pallet Weight: Red and Gold:1200 Pink: 1250
Total Pallet/Container: Red and Gold:20 Pink: 25
Container Weight: Red and Gold: 24T Pink: 25T
Storing: 15º For 6 Months
Humidity: 70% With Good AirFlow

Red Onion

round to slightly oval in shape. The bulb is wrapped in red-purple skin that is delicate and easily flakes off when touched. Underneath the skin crisp, and coarse with many layers of white and purple rings. Red onions are crunch

Yellow Onion

are crispy with a pungent flavor flesh is firm, , and juicy. medium to large in size, averaging 5-10 centimeters globular in shape with rounded to The bulb is encased in a light yellow to copper, dry, papery skin. slightly tapered ends .